Trend Research

Defining a trend for a specific season could never be the easiest part of a designer's job; trends are not merely a finished product that is bought or an idea with any fixed measure of certainty. Trends are about people and their choices, all of which continually change over time.

"My trend analyses happen concurrently, every day, any day, as the environment impacts me through the work I do, food I eat, places I see, the millions of photos I scan with busy eyes, and most importantly, the conversations I have.” Tea De Santis, Fall 2021

Collectively, Tea's research output has synced well with industry trends, showing that she remains in touch with contemporary trends. Each year, there is a short 'trend season', when the world is waiting for industry giants to release 'trend collections' and 'trend boards’—Tea's research results from the combination of a multitude of resources, experiences, and industry-based networking insights.